
Horses for sale

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Stall #1
1 Buckskin/White Gypsy Cross Mare, 4 yo, 15.1 hands, Absolutely gorgeous! All the looks of a Gypsy on a finer build. Exceptional in everyway, English, Western, bridle-less, bareback, both leads, great with kids, dogs, bridges, water crossing and comfortable gaits. On the trail she is as bombproof as they come! Fun and willing. She is gentle, soft, willing and so enjoyable. Easy to catch, tack up, bridle, pick feet, and bathe. Loads and hauls like a pro, great in new places.
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Stall #2
2 Bay QHxTB Gelding, 6yo, 16.1 hands, English W/T/C has both leads, and jumps. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Stall #4
4 Bay Warmblood Cross Gelding, 5yo, 16.2 hands, Ready to go in any direction.His gaits are smooth and comfortable, W/T/C. He has both leads, and is started over fences. He is happy, attentive and willing, has a soft face, and moves off your legs well. An in your pocket personality. He is a nice horse with tons of potential. He has great ground manners, bathes, easy to tack up, bridle, pick feet, groom, load, haul, stands tied anywhere.
Stall #10
10 Chestnut QH Gelding, 13yo, 15 hands, Beginner safe, a trusted friend for any level rider, English or Western, he has both leads and loves the trail, will jump a cross-rail. He would make a great low level 4H or all around show horse. He is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, and quiet for the vet and farrier.
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Stall #14
14 Reg. QH Bay Gelding, 7yo, 15. hands, English or Western, has neck rein, solid built, has both leads, and is great on the trail. Great alone or in company. He stands quiet for mount and dismount. He has good ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddles, and bridles, and is quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #15
15 Red Dun QH Gelding, 7yo, 15.1 hands, English, upright W/T/C has leads and willing and brave to the jump. Western and will go down the trail. Ready to go in whatever direction you choose. Solid ground manners, polite to catch, lead, load, haul, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount, and good for the vet and for the farrier.
Stall #16
16 Black/White Pinto Pony Mare, 12yo, 14.1 hands, Super cute girl, she has nice comfy W/T/C and both leads, bravely jumps a small fence with ease and enjoys it. She will go Western, has a neck rein and has been down the trail. She is easy to catch, groom, bathe, clip, load, haul.
Stall #19
19 Palomino Pony Gelding, 14yo, 14 hands, Diamond in the rough, this guy sheds out to a gorgeous warm shade of honey! He is a gentle All arounder, great family horse, good with kids and chaos. Great on the trail or in the ring. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Stall #26
26 Dun QH Mare, 12yo, 15 hands, Will go English or Western, she has both leads and steps into the lope from a walk, she is upright and is so willing and sensible. Take her to the 4H show and down the trail. Versatile and lovely. She is easy quiet to catch, lead, load, haul, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands tied, stands still for mount and dismount, and great for the vet and the farrier. She has been ridden out alone, in groups, been down the side of the road.
Stall #28
28 Reg. QH Chestnut Gelding, 7yo, 15. hands, English, smooth and balanced W/T/C has lead changes and is cute over the jumps. Western and Trail, has nice neck rein and easy stop, sweet temperament, loves to be cuddled and groomed. He has quiet ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddle, and bridle, and quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #33
33 Chestnut QH Gelding, 10yo, 15.1 hands, Western and Trail, has neck rein and good stop, backs up. Will go English, has W/T/C and both leads. He has good ground manners, likes people and is easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied, bathes, grooms, picks feet, saddles, bridles, stands for mount and dismount. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Stall #34
34 Bay QH Gelding, 12yo, 15. hands, Smooth gaits and is very comfortable to ride! Loves attention, is eager to please and has excellent ground manners. Trail riding experience, both in the urban setting with cars, other traffic, signs, dogs etc. and out in the fields. Has a nice walk, jog, trot and lope both ways and is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, and quiet for the vet and farrier.
Stall #35
35 Grey Lusitano Gelding, 7yo, 16.2 hands, So big and handsome, he has a fancy upright W/T/C, has both leads, moves off your leg and carries himself in a balanced frame. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well.
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Stall #37
37 Dbl. Reg. QH/Paint Mare, 5yo, 15.2 hands, Wonderful and shapey girl, with 4H level show horse and trail experience. Quiet, she has nice ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Stall #38
38 Chestnut QH Gelding, 10yo, 15.1 hands, English W/T/C, nice mover, has lead changes, jumps. Western, has neck rein, upright and solid built, and is great on the trail. He stands quiet for mount and dismount. He has good ground manners, is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, stands tied, bathes, grooms, gentle to pick feet, saddles, and bridles, and is quiet for the vet and the farrier.
Stall #39
39 Dun QH Gelding, 10yo, 15 hands, Beginner safe, suitable for any level rider, Gentle and kind, has nice gaits, English or Western, fun to ride and sweet to be with. He has great ground manners, easy to catch, lead, load, hauls, stands tied anywhere, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, stands for mount and dismount and is good for the vet and the farrier. Loads in the trailer well and is quiet in new places.
Always a great selection of Registered Quarter Horse, Warmbloods, Western Pleasure, Family/Trail Horses, Hunter Jumpers, Registered Paints/Pintos, Draft Crosses, Dressage Horses, Ponies, Eventing Prospects.
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